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- March 8, 2016 Create Date
- March 8, 2016 Last Updated
Guide to the Measurement of the Transient Performance of Aircraft Turbine Engines and Components
The objective of this report is to provide the user with a guide for the measurement of transient aerothermodynamic performance
parameters of aircraft gas turbine engines or components. It is hoped it will be helpful to a variety of gas turbine users
including engine developers, test agencies, certifying authorities and operators of overhaul facilities and aircraft.
This report may be treated as an extension of AGARD Advisory Report AR-245, which was prepared as a guide to the
recommended practices for the measurement of steady-state pressures and temperatures, and AGARD AR-248, which treated
other steady-state parameters important to gas turbine performance assessment. This current report includes discussion of
recommended procedures for the transient measurement of pressures, temperatures, flows, component geometry including
rotational speed and clearances, thrust, torque, and the use of the engine control system for transient parameter measurements.
Examples of typical transient measurement techniques are presented for each parameter. A section on data acquisition and
processing is also included.
A transient is defined in this report as a deliberately included variation of machine operation from one steady—state condition to
another. Examples of test procedures fitting this definition and appropriate to potential users of this report are listed. Higher
frequency dynamic measurements, in which the spectral behaviour characteristics are usually required, are excluded.
This report includes a comprehensive discussion of the concepts and procedures for the uncertainty estimation of transient
measurements. The report concludes with a detailed discussion of two examples — (i) the measurement of compressor ratio and
air flow at surge, which would be of primary interest to engine designers and developers, and (ii) a measurement of engine
acceleration time, which would be of particular interest to engine overhaul facilities and operators.
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