AGARD-AR-360 Vol 2

AGARD-AR-360 Vol 2
  • Version
  • 9.10 MB File Size
  • 1 File Count
  • March 8, 2016 Create Date
  • March 8, 2016 Last Updated
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Aerospace 2020 - Main Report

AGARD-AR-360 Vol 2 Aerospace 2020 - Main Report

Change is affecting every aspect of our lives, and the pace of change is accelerating. In an effort to forecast where the forces of
change will lead NATO and its member Nations over the next quarter century, the NATO Advisory Group for Aerospace Research
and Development (AGARD) commissioned the Aerospace 2020 study.

The study attempts to strike a balance between possibility and promise. Some discussions are undoubtedly too conservative while
others too optimistic. In any case, Aerospace 2020 attempts to identify methods and processess that will help the Alliance and the
Nations benefit from the opportunities, and prepare for the possible dangers, which change inevitably creates,

The study involved virtually all of the AGARD organisation, capatalising, in particular, on the strengths of its seven Technical
Panels composed of experts in fields ranging from aerospace medicine to fluid dynamics. The study also tapped the military
expertise of representatives from AGARD’s Aerospace Applications Studies Committee and the information management skills of
the Technical Information Committee. Consistent with the nature and philosophy of AGARD, each of these participants expanded
the network of professionals to include views and opinions of civilian and military experts from industry, government and academia.

We wish to take this opportunity to thank all of the people who contributed to the Aerospace 2020 study and assisted in its
preparation and production. Special thanks are extended to Dr. l-lywel Davies, rapporteur; to Lt. Col. John Wheatley, study
executive; and to Jiirgen Wild, Director of AGARD, and his staff.

As AGARD evolves into NATO’s new Research and Technology Organisation, it will retain its spirit of service to the Alliance. of
international cooperation and of dedicated professionalism. It is in keeping with this spirit that Aerospace 2020 is presented, and we
hope the study will prove valuable to NATO and its members as plans, preparations, and decisions are made for our entry into the
let century.

AGARD-AR-360 Vol 2 Aerospace 2020 - Main Report.pdfDownload 

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AGARD-AR-360 Vol 2

AGARD-AR-360 Vol 2
  • Version
  • 9.10 MB File Size
  • 1 File Count
  • March 8, 2016 Create Date
  • March 8, 2016 Last Updated
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Aerospace 2020 - Main Report

AGARD-AR-360 Vol 2 Aerospace 2020 - Main Report

Change is affecting every aspect of our lives, and the pace of change is accelerating. In an effort to forecast where the forces of
change will lead NATO and its member Nations over the next quarter century, the NATO Advisory Group for Aerospace Research
and Development (AGARD) commissioned the Aerospace 2020 study.

The study attempts to strike a balance between possibility and promise. Some discussions are undoubtedly too conservative while
others too optimistic. In any case, Aerospace 2020 attempts to identify methods and processess that will help the Alliance and the
Nations benefit from the opportunities, and prepare for the possible dangers, which change inevitably creates,

The study involved virtually all of the AGARD organisation, capatalising, in particular, on the strengths of its seven Technical
Panels composed of experts in fields ranging from aerospace medicine to fluid dynamics. The study also tapped the military
expertise of representatives from AGARD’s Aerospace Applications Studies Committee and the information management skills of
the Technical Information Committee. Consistent with the nature and philosophy of AGARD, each of these participants expanded
the network of professionals to include views and opinions of civilian and military experts from industry, government and academia.

We wish to take this opportunity to thank all of the people who contributed to the Aerospace 2020 study and assisted in its
preparation and production. Special thanks are extended to Dr. l-lywel Davies, rapporteur; to Lt. Col. John Wheatley, study
executive; and to Jiirgen Wild, Director of AGARD, and his staff.

As AGARD evolves into NATO’s new Research and Technology Organisation, it will retain its spirit of service to the Alliance. of
international cooperation and of dedicated professionalism. It is in keeping with this spirit that Aerospace 2020 is presented, and we
hope the study will prove valuable to NATO and its members as plans, preparations, and decisions are made for our entry into the
let century.

AGARD-AR-360 Vol 2 Aerospace 2020 - Main Report.pdfDownload 
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