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- April 25, 2016 Create Date
- April 25, 2016 Last Updated
Power Plant Controls for Aero Gas Turbine Engines
The 44th meeting of the Propulsion and Energetics Panel on "Power Plant Controls for Aero Gas Turbine Engines"
was held at Ustaoset Hoyfiellshotell, Norway, from 9th to l3th September I974. The meeting had been organized to
discuss advances and trends in the aero gas turbine engine controls together with appropriate techniques for the design of
optimum controls. The background was provided by the tremendous progress made in the past decade in the field of aero
gas turbine engines resulting in more complex control requirements in particular for the multispool bypass engines with and
without afterburning and variable geometry. In parallel with the growth of the control requirements, new design methods
have evolved in order to make full use of the new types of control system hardware available today.
The meeting was divided into six sessions with a total of 29 papers. The first two sessions dealt with both steady
state and transient performance of aero gas turbine engines in a general Fashion to provide the ground work for session
three, where typical control requirements were discussed. The next two sessions were on control concepts and on simulation
techniques, while the last session was devoted to control system hardware.
There was a lively interest in the topics of this meeting as indicated by the official discussions at the end of each
paper as well as by the numerous talks about specific problems in the evenings. The meeting made it very clear that the
field of engine controls comprises many highly specialized and advancing technological areas, such that keeping up to
date will be a real requirement and challenge for every control system engineer. In particular, a very close collaboration
between performance and control system engineers is absolutely essential.
In this section, the papers of this meeting will be commented upon with an attempt to summarize the principal
message of each paper and highlight areas which could make an impact on future developments.
J . E. Scott I began this meeting with a survey paper on the performance characteristics of aero gas turbine engines.
The paper dealt with the fundamental working equations in a very generalized ‘form in order to acquaint the audience with
the steady state mechanisms of aero gas turbine engines, in particular with the independent and dependent variables that
could be used for control purposes. It was stressed that the paper should be considered as an introduction and a basis for
the following papers in particular on transient performance and on simulation techniques.
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