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  • April 25, 2016 Create Date
  • April 25, 2016 Last Updated
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Missile Aerodynamics
AGARD-R-804 Missile Aerodynamics
The changes in the political and strategic situation
in the world, especially in Europe, result in new
kinds of military scenarios and in different appro-
aches to well-known scenarios. In combination
with technological advances and with new mathe-
matical and physical solutions for system compo-
nent design and for improvements in system per-
formance this leads to a request for advanced and
new types of missiles with corresponding design
goals and criteria. From such more general de-
mands associated with the overall system design
new requirements for the aerodynamical and aero-
mechanical design goals can be derived in corres-
pondence. Advanced experimental and theoretical
tools support the project aerodynamicist in coping
with these new problems.
Examples for the demands for new missile types
and for the new system requirements are given.
The most important aeromechanical work pack-
ages in the design procedure of modern missiles
are identified and methods to get solutions suf-
ficient for qualitative answers in early project
phases are presented.
The intention of this first lecture of the present
series is to give a summary of what seem to be
the new and most important aspects of the 'Aero-
mechanical Design of Modern Missiles'. Some of
the topics mentioned here will be discussed in
more detail in later lectures, others will be des-
cribed here in a short survey. In this way the
following lectures on special topics are hoped
to be put into a conclusive context with the new
technological and system requirements of the
missile design procedure. Also, the role of the
different aeromechanical disciplines and of the
technologies and work packages linked to them
for different types of projected missiles will be
explained. On the other hand, this is not a surn-
mary of system design specialists but of industry
aerodynamicists working in an design environ-
ment that is much more dominated by very diffe-
rent system requirements and by not purely
aerodynamic problems than several years ago.

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  • Version
  • 60.36 MB File Size
  • 1 File Count
  • April 25, 2016 Create Date
  • April 25, 2016 Last Updated
Scroll for Details

Missile Aerodynamics
AGARD-R-804 Missile Aerodynamics
The changes in the political and strategic situation
in the world, especially in Europe, result in new
kinds of military scenarios and in different appro-
aches to well-known scenarios. In combination
with technological advances and with new mathe-
matical and physical solutions for system compo-
nent design and for improvements in system per-
formance this leads to a request for advanced and
new types of missiles with corresponding design
goals and criteria. From such more general de-
mands associated with the overall system design
new requirements for the aerodynamical and aero-
mechanical design goals can be derived in corres-
pondence. Advanced experimental and theoretical
tools support the project aerodynamicist in coping
with these new problems.
Examples for the demands for new missile types
and for the new system requirements are given.
The most important aeromechanical work pack-
ages in the design procedure of modern missiles
are identified and methods to get solutions suf-
ficient for qualitative answers in early project
phases are presented.
The intention of this first lecture of the present
series is to give a summary of what seem to be
the new and most important aspects of the 'Aero-
mechanical Design of Modern Missiles'. Some of
the topics mentioned here will be discussed in
more detail in later lectures, others will be des-
cribed here in a short survey. In this way the
following lectures on special topics are hoped
to be put into a conclusive context with the new
technological and system requirements of the
missile design procedure. Also, the role of the
different aeromechanical disciplines and of the
technologies and work packages linked to them
for different types of projected missiles will be
explained. On the other hand, this is not a surn-
mary of system design specialists but of industry
aerodynamicists working in an design environ-
ment that is much more dominated by very diffe-
rent system requirements and by not purely
aerodynamic problems than several years ago.

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