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  • August 9, 2016 Create Date
  • August 9, 2016 Last Updated
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Power Loss Related Accidents Involving Twin Engine Aircraft

ATSB-B2005-0085 Power Loss Related Accidents Involving Twin Engine Aircraft

A number of serious accidents occurred during the years 2001 to 2004 involving
twin-engine fixed-wing aircraft following a loss of some or all engine power. This
study of the 63 twin-engine fixed-wing aircraft power loss accidents (11 fatal)
during the period 1993 to 2002 identifies common themes and provides information
that could enable the implementation of mitigating strategies to reduce the risks
associated with power loss events.

The study was limited because not all power loss events are reported to the ATSB.
This data limitation did not permit the examination of power loss incidents and
hence analysis is restricted to the power loss accidents reported to the ATSB.

To obtain an overall view of the risk of twin-engine fixed-wing power loss
accidents, twin- and single-engine power loss accident and fatal accident rates were
compared. The twin—engine fixed—wing power loss accident rate was found to be
almost half of the rate for single-engine fixed-wing aircraft. However, a power loss
accident in a twin-engine fixed-wing aircraft was more likely to be fatal than a
power loss accident in a single-engine fixed-wing aircraft. Without comprehensive
power loss incident data it is not possible to determine the actual risks of an
accident or incident resulting from a power loss event for both single- and twin-
engine fixed—wing aircraft.

The twin-engine fixed-wing power loss accidents were analysed to identify the
types of accidents that occurred. Ten of the 11 fatal accidents subsequent to a power
loss in twin-engine aircraft were the result of an in-flight loss of control. In contrast,
the majority of non-fatal accidents subsequent to a power loss were primarily the
result of degraded aircraft performance and resulted in aircraft being forced landed.

When a twin-engine fixed-wing aircraft sustains a loss of power, the resulting
power output can produce a power condition that is either asymmetric or non-
asymmetric. The twin-engine fixed—wing power loss accidents were grouped based
on whether the aircraft was being powered asymmetrically or non-asymmetrically
when the accident occurred.

ATSB-B2005-0085 Power Loss Related Accidents Involving Twin Engine Aircraft.pdfDownload 

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  • Version
  • 904.23 KB File Size
  • 1 File Count
  • August 9, 2016 Create Date
  • August 9, 2016 Last Updated
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Power Loss Related Accidents Involving Twin Engine Aircraft

ATSB-B2005-0085 Power Loss Related Accidents Involving Twin Engine Aircraft

A number of serious accidents occurred during the years 2001 to 2004 involving
twin-engine fixed-wing aircraft following a loss of some or all engine power. This
study of the 63 twin-engine fixed-wing aircraft power loss accidents (11 fatal)
during the period 1993 to 2002 identifies common themes and provides information
that could enable the implementation of mitigating strategies to reduce the risks
associated with power loss events.

The study was limited because not all power loss events are reported to the ATSB.
This data limitation did not permit the examination of power loss incidents and
hence analysis is restricted to the power loss accidents reported to the ATSB.

To obtain an overall view of the risk of twin-engine fixed-wing power loss
accidents, twin- and single-engine power loss accident and fatal accident rates were
compared. The twin—engine fixed—wing power loss accident rate was found to be
almost half of the rate for single-engine fixed-wing aircraft. However, a power loss
accident in a twin-engine fixed-wing aircraft was more likely to be fatal than a
power loss accident in a single-engine fixed-wing aircraft. Without comprehensive
power loss incident data it is not possible to determine the actual risks of an
accident or incident resulting from a power loss event for both single- and twin-
engine fixed—wing aircraft.

The twin-engine fixed-wing power loss accidents were analysed to identify the
types of accidents that occurred. Ten of the 11 fatal accidents subsequent to a power
loss in twin-engine aircraft were the result of an in-flight loss of control. In contrast,
the majority of non-fatal accidents subsequent to a power loss were primarily the
result of degraded aircraft performance and resulted in aircraft being forced landed.

When a twin-engine fixed-wing aircraft sustains a loss of power, the resulting
power output can produce a power condition that is either asymmetric or non-
asymmetric. The twin-engine fixed—wing power loss accidents were grouped based
on whether the aircraft was being powered asymmetrically or non-asymmetrically
when the accident occurred.

ATSB-B2005-0085 Power Loss Related Accidents Involving Twin Engine Aircraft.pdfDownload 
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