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- April 21, 2016 Create Date
- April 21, 2016 Last Updated
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Report - Aerodynamic Characteristics of Airfoils - V
This collection of data on airfoils has been made from the published reports of a number of
the leading aerodynamic laboratories of this country and Europe.‘ The information which was
originally expressed according to the difierent customs of the several laboratories is here pre-
sented in a uniform series of charts and tables suitable for the use of designing engineers and for
purposes of general reference.
It is a well-known fact that the results obtained in different laboratories, because of their
individual methods of testing, are not strictly comparable even if proper scale corrections for
size of model and speed of test are supplied. It is, therefore, unwise to compare too closely the
coefficients of two Wing sections tested in difi’erent laboratories. Tests of different wing sec-
tions from the same source, however, may be relied on to give true relative values.
The absolute system of coefficients has been used, since it is thought by the National Advisory
Committee for Aeronautics that this system is the one most suited for international use and yet
it is one from which a desired transformation can be easily made. For this purpose a set of
transformation constants is given. ‘
Each airfoil section is given a reference number, and the test data are presented in the form
of curves from which the coefficients can be read with sufficient accuracy for designing purposes.
The dimensions of the profile of each section are given at various stations along the chord in
per cent of the chord length, the latter also serving as the datum line; When two sets of ordi-
nates are necessary, on account of taper in chord or ordinate, those for the maximum section
(at center of span) are given on the individual characteristic sheets, While those for the tip
(dotted) section are given in separate tables, page 37 5. The shape of the sect-ion is also shown
With reasonable accuracy to enable one to more clearly visualize the section under consideration,
the outside of the heavy line representing the profile.
The authority for the results here presented is given as the nameof the laboratory at which
the experiments were conducted, as explained under abbreviations, with the size of model,
Wind velocity, and year of test.
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