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Cost Optimization Software for Transport Aircraft Design Evaluation (COSTADE)

NASA-CR-4737 Cost Optimization Software for Transport Aircarft Design Evaluation (COSTADE)


This document is one of four complementary final technical reports on the development
of a design cost model. The design cost model was part of a larger effort focused on
composite technology development for transport fuselage structure. Therefore, most of
the applications documented in this report relate to advanced composite designs and
processes. The four reports comprising final documentation for the design cost model

Cost Optimization Software for Transport Aircraft Design Evaluation (COSTADE)

- Overview (CR 4736). Synopsis of COSTADE initiative, including integration of cost, weight,
manufacturing, design, structural analysis, load redistribution, optimization, and blending.

- Design Cost Methods (CR 4737). Components of cost analysis and their interactions.
Theoretical framework for process—time prediction. Methods for developing and maintaining cost
equations. Applications to ATCAS quadrant designs.

- User's Manual (CR 4738). COSTADE user instructions, including hardware requirements and
installation procedures. Program structure, capabilities, and limitations. Basis of cost model and
structural analysis routines. Example problems.

- Process Cost Analysis Database (CR 4739). Rationale for database framework. Database
user's guide, including capabilities and limitations. ATCAS process step equations.

Work described in these reports was sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, Langley Research Center (NASA-LaRC) as a part of the contracts
NASl-18889 and NASl-20013, Task 2. The Boeing Commercial Airplane Group,
Seattle, Washington, was prime for these contracts, which were performed from May
1989 through December 1995. Both contracts were funded by the Advanced Composite
Technology (ACT) program. Boeing's ACT program was called Advanced Technology
Composite Aircraft Sructures (ATCAS). Direction from NASA-LaRC specific to
ATCAS design cost model development was provided by J .G. Davis, and W.T. Freeman.

Use of commercial products or names of manufacturers in this report does not constitute
official endorsement of such products or manufacturers, either expressed or implied, by
the Boeing Company or the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

NASA-CR-4737 Cost Optimization Software for Transport Aircarft Design Evaluation (COSTADE).pdfDownload 

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  • Version
  • 23.22 MB File Size
  • 1 File Count
  • April 6, 2016 Create Date
  • April 6, 2016 Last Updated
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Cost Optimization Software for Transport Aircraft Design Evaluation (COSTADE)

NASA-CR-4737 Cost Optimization Software for Transport Aircarft Design Evaluation (COSTADE)


This document is one of four complementary final technical reports on the development
of a design cost model. The design cost model was part of a larger effort focused on
composite technology development for transport fuselage structure. Therefore, most of
the applications documented in this report relate to advanced composite designs and
processes. The four reports comprising final documentation for the design cost model

Cost Optimization Software for Transport Aircraft Design Evaluation (COSTADE)

- Overview (CR 4736). Synopsis of COSTADE initiative, including integration of cost, weight,
manufacturing, design, structural analysis, load redistribution, optimization, and blending.

- Design Cost Methods (CR 4737). Components of cost analysis and their interactions.
Theoretical framework for process—time prediction. Methods for developing and maintaining cost
equations. Applications to ATCAS quadrant designs.

- User's Manual (CR 4738). COSTADE user instructions, including hardware requirements and
installation procedures. Program structure, capabilities, and limitations. Basis of cost model and
structural analysis routines. Example problems.

- Process Cost Analysis Database (CR 4739). Rationale for database framework. Database
user's guide, including capabilities and limitations. ATCAS process step equations.

Work described in these reports was sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, Langley Research Center (NASA-LaRC) as a part of the contracts
NASl-18889 and NASl-20013, Task 2. The Boeing Commercial Airplane Group,
Seattle, Washington, was prime for these contracts, which were performed from May
1989 through December 1995. Both contracts were funded by the Advanced Composite
Technology (ACT) program. Boeing's ACT program was called Advanced Technology
Composite Aircraft Sructures (ATCAS). Direction from NASA-LaRC specific to
ATCAS design cost model development was provided by J .G. Davis, and W.T. Freeman.

Use of commercial products or names of manufacturers in this report does not constitute
official endorsement of such products or manufacturers, either expressed or implied, by
the Boeing Company or the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

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