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  • April 19, 2016 Create Date
  • April 19, 2016 Last Updated
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Dynamic Environmental Criteria
NASA-HDBK-7005 Dynamic Environmental Criteria
This handbook is approved for use by NASA Headquarters and all field centers and is intended
to provide a common framework for consistent practices across NASA programs.
A concerted effort is underway within the NASA engineering community, under the cognizance
of the NASA Office of the Chief Engineer, to promote more consistent practices across the
NASA centers in the areas of dynamics and structures design and test criteria for spacecraft
and payloads. This effort has resulted in NASA standards in the fields of structural design and
test factors of safety, loads analyses, vibroacoustic test criteria, and pyroshock test criteria. A
parallel effort, also funded by the Office of the Chief Engineer, was undertaken by the Jet
Propulsion Laboratory and its contractors to summarize and assess mission dynamic
environments, state-of-the-art procedures for predicting the dynamic excitations or loads
induced by those environments and the structural responses to those excitations, and for
establishing dynamics criteria with appropriate margins for the design and testing of a
spacecraft and its components, along with the equipment and procedures used for testing.
Contributions were made to this handbook by many members of the aerospace dynamics
community; those contributions are gratefully acknowledged.
Requests for information, corrections, or additions to this handbook should be directed to the
Mechanical Systems Engineering and Research Division, Section 352, Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
4800 Oak Grove Dr., Pasadena, CA 91109. Requests for general information concerning technical
standards should be sent to the NASA Technical Standards Program Office, ED41, MSFC, AL,
35812 (telephone 256-544-2448). This and other NASA standards may be viewed and
downloaded, free-of—charge, from our NASA Standards Homepage:

NASA-HDBK-7005 Dynamic Environmental Criteria.pdfDownload 

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  • Version
  • 2.02 MB File Size
  • 1 File Count
  • April 19, 2016 Create Date
  • April 19, 2016 Last Updated
Scroll for Details

Dynamic Environmental Criteria
NASA-HDBK-7005 Dynamic Environmental Criteria
This handbook is approved for use by NASA Headquarters and all field centers and is intended
to provide a common framework for consistent practices across NASA programs.
A concerted effort is underway within the NASA engineering community, under the cognizance
of the NASA Office of the Chief Engineer, to promote more consistent practices across the
NASA centers in the areas of dynamics and structures design and test criteria for spacecraft
and payloads. This effort has resulted in NASA standards in the fields of structural design and
test factors of safety, loads analyses, vibroacoustic test criteria, and pyroshock test criteria. A
parallel effort, also funded by the Office of the Chief Engineer, was undertaken by the Jet
Propulsion Laboratory and its contractors to summarize and assess mission dynamic
environments, state-of-the-art procedures for predicting the dynamic excitations or loads
induced by those environments and the structural responses to those excitations, and for
establishing dynamics criteria with appropriate margins for the design and testing of a
spacecraft and its components, along with the equipment and procedures used for testing.
Contributions were made to this handbook by many members of the aerospace dynamics
community; those contributions are gratefully acknowledged.
Requests for information, corrections, or additions to this handbook should be directed to the
Mechanical Systems Engineering and Research Division, Section 352, Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
4800 Oak Grove Dr., Pasadena, CA 91109. Requests for general information concerning technical
standards should be sent to the NASA Technical Standards Program Office, ED41, MSFC, AL,
35812 (telephone 256-544-2448). This and other NASA standards may be viewed and
downloaded, free-of—charge, from our NASA Standards Homepage:

NASA-HDBK-7005 Dynamic Environmental Criteria.pdfDownload 
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