Minimum (minor) and maximum (major) thread diameters, threads per inch, tap size and drill sizes. ANSI External screw thread dimensions. Installation torque values from two different sources.
The data fastener thread pitch and diameter data below is taken, in part from, from MIL-S-8879
External screw thread dimensions from ANSI standard:
Bolt installation torques are taken from (NASA-RP-1228, 1990), (FAA-8083-30, 2008) and (MIL-HDBK-60, 1990)
The following chart is taken from (MIL-HDBK-60, 1990)
This table of recommended torque values is taken from (FAA-8083-30, 2008) chapter 5
There is a spreadsheet available with this data here
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what is class thread. I see it on your charts but no explanation: can you add a link to the definition please? Otherwise, thank you for having this chart.
thanks for your comment – the class of thread is defined by the UNC (Coarse) and UNF (Fine) tag in the second column. Was there another form of thread classification you were looking for?
Richard Abbott