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Machinist Drill Bit Size Table – ANSI Drill Size Chart – ISO Metric Drill Bit Size Table. Millimeter to inch conversion

Fractional and Metric Sizes ref. ANSI/ASME B94.11M-1993
9/16 xx
5/16 !! 0.3125
Thanks – corrected!
I am stunned at the gift of this information to the public as a free download !!
I was equally impressed as to the subject matter covered in this one publication. Okay, so I won’t have a Doctorate Degree when I finish reading it. But I will have a very good idea of whether to proceed further with some idea or project, than chasing various aspects of a design idea through for or five other volumes.
I sincerely “Thank You” for creating this ebook, and the offering.
Cliff Thrive